Changing floors is one of the biggest and most expensive investments in an apartment. Our guest is a writer, columnist and influencer Andrea Andrassy, and in her Adaptation log she is going to tell us what she did with her flooring…


My first meetingr with Boba Blaskovic, editor of Dblog, was when I was reading her blog about parquets, and the first word that came out of her mouth when I mentioned the flooring was “Mopar.”

The way Boba talks about Mopar parquet is very similar to the way I talk about food – the same glow in the eyes, the same love.


“You’ll see when you come, they have EVERYTHING” – she was telling me, warning me that I will have a hard time about deciding, because there are so many choices.

And there really is – whatever you can imagine, they have it in Mopar and if you don’t know what you want, you’ll find out there.


We came in for the first sightseeing and spent about half an hour inside – which was about 29 minutes too much because I immediately saw the flooring I wanted at the moment I saw it.

I knew I wanted a wide parquet floor like a peasant floor, I knew I wanted a light shade that was neither too warm nor too cold, I knew I didn’t want it too monotonous, but to have a story, but not to take up a whole space… and I knew that the sum of all these wishes is Whisper, st the moment I saw him.


The only dilemma was whether we are going with a narrow or a wide plank, and whether it would be more or less streaked – first I took thinner, cleaner planks, but in the end I decided that the wider ones, which are more streaked, are the better choice.


When I was a kid, we had a parquet floorer who destroyed our flooring (for a very good price), so it was extremely important for me to work with someone who really knows how to do the job.


Instead of asking for recommendations from my friends and risking through searching the forums, I asked Marijana from Mopar to recommend me a man I could trust – so I got a number from Mr. Radikovic.


The man who not only set 70 square meter of parquet in ONE DAY, but with all that he smells like a softener while he is doing it.


He works so perfectly that it wouldn’t get me angry if he stinks, but this is a wonderful bonus.

At first, we had a plan that we are going to put parquet flooring on the old one – but it failed because we were putting pipes under the flooring.

The plan B was to remove the parquet flooring from all the rooms, but that we would not remove the built-in closets because it is logistically complicated and unnecessary because the cabinets will always be on the same spot.


“But what if I still want to remove my closet some day?” – it is the beginning of the September and I can be in the apartment across until the middle of the September, and I just told Mr. Radikovic that we are still moving the closets.


This means that the closets are moving across the apartmant and return in the very short term.